Posts tagged ‘consumption’

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April 8, 2008 at 8:48 am Leave a comment

Ya-ttitude: Give and Take

Positive Ya-ttitude has its Advantages

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D0 you have those days when you just read something and it makes you go – Ohhhhhh!

Well today was definitely one of those days.  I was reading some of the blogs that are on my “feedburner and ran across a blog called In Worship and on it was a Post called “Are you a Consumer.”  I want to make sure that credit is given where credit is due, so I believe this blog pointed back to this web page.  This being fair and nice to each other thing can be time consuming and tedious and a real bit of work, but it’s what we are supposed to be all about – isn’t it?  Well with all of the official business out of the way – and a special thanks to Brett and Joshua for being my inspiration today.

Let’s talk about Production vs. Consumption

Ya-ttitude Style!

The “thought-inducing”  quote was simple – by Albert Hsu.

 “The opposite of consumption is production. It takes far more time and energy to create something than to consume something. It takes a novelist a year to write a book that someone can read in a few days… [Often] our only recreational activities are actions of consumption.”

Now that statement taken at face value might just be a “pat on the back” for Mr. Hsu and the amount of time it takes to write is book(s) and the amount of time he believes it takes to read them.  Or maybe he was trying to create that new Buzz word that is all the rage – Prosumer – the combination of Producer and Consumer – but then again – depending on the person using it and the article you read – sometimes it means Professional and Consumer and that would just throw that whole idea out the window – so damn him – what was he trying to tell us? 

Prosumer – the combination of a producer and consumer – shouldn’t that be what we are all about?  Well we all have to consume to live – and we all have to produce to live – so be we all prosumers?  The real big question here is what are we consuming and what are we producing.  I have read the phrase “crap in – crap out” a few times over the last day and a half, as I thought about how to write this and what I wanted this to be written about.  And I have decided that in all its simplicity – it is quite the statement. 

The Golden Rule notwithstanding – there is some definite thought-inducing magic in that simple quote (both perhaps).

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”– A definite Prosumerish statement. 

Think about it – if you consume all good things – shouldn’t you be more than able to produce “good things.”   

Production: In the simplest of terms we were “produced” and given life.

How we consume our lives and how we allow our lives to be consumed is much deeper a statement.

What we consume during our lives and what we allow ourselves to consume is a much more important statement.

Are our lives consumed with positive thoughts, creating positive results making a positive world?

Are we consumed by negative thoughts, always dwelling on the negative, spewing negative ideas and being the downer who needs the over-abundance of cheap hooch to temporarily delay the inevitable?

Remember – Negative begets negative – do not be negative – stay away from the negative words, thoughts and people.  Give those negative vibes a positive spin, make sure you surround yourself with positives, as much as you possibly can.  (Hey – I live in the real world too – I know that it is possible – give it a try and see for yourself)

That may be the difference between the products that are the result of our consumption.

Is what is left over after our lives are consumed pure waste material – or is there something special there – something that will live on.

Have you allowed you life to be consumed by a plan, an aim or a goal to leave a mark on society; a bright, cheery and positive mark?

Have you gone out of your way to make a difference, lend a helping hand, volunteer or spread a positive outlook.

Have you consumed positive energy and given back positive energy.  Do you surround yourself with all the good things that life has to offer and in turn produce within yourself the greatest gift you can give back – a fantastic relative, friend, associate and human being. 

Remember if you are consuming more from society then you are giving back – there will be a shortage, so be sure to spread the wealth!  Give back as much – Give back more than you consume – It is the one thing that opens the door (no KEY needed) to your success – to your future – to your BRIGHT and SUCCESFUL Future!

BTW:  This can be as simple as saying “Bless You” when someone sneezes or “Thank You” when someone holds the door for you.  It does not have to be grandiose – it has to be genuine.  It starts with the right Ya-ttitude – a Positive Ya-ttitude. 

And then grows and develops into a YA-TTITUDE!

Interesting concept… Indeed

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April 2, 2008 at 12:26 pm 4 comments

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